DUI.Stream and HTTP request pipelining
Today I read about DUI.Stream:
We call this technique MXHR (short for Multipart XMLHttpRequests), and we wrote an addition to our Digg User Interface library called DUI.Stream to implement it. Specifically, DUI.Stream opens and reads multipart HTTP responses piece-by-piece through an XHR, passing each chunk to a JavaScript handler as it loads.
But how is that fundamentally different from HTTP request pipelining, where an HTTP client sends a stream of HTTP requests without waiting for a response before issuing the next request? HTTP request pipelining was standardised in RFC2616 - HTTP/1.1 .
Well, one major difference is that Digg can allow all their users to take advantage of their technique today. Amazingly, HTTP request pipelining is still disabled by default in the current releases of Firefox. On the IE side, it has been enabled in IE 8.
I notice that the 10th birthday of RFC2616 is coming up in June. I wonder if we should all mark the occasion by enabling HTTP request pipelining, by upgrading our browsers, or by going to about:config and tweaking it manually.
23 April 2009 21:09
Comment from Anonymous
because pipelining does cause major screw ups .. see Mark Nottingham's talk at QCon .. on infoq.com